Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Urbana 2006

Urbana is over.
The odd post conference depression is setting in. I worked in the Health clinic. I spent more then 60 hours there. I am starting to miss the people that I worked with. I'm not sure what to do with my self. On top of that I'm getting sick. I feel stupid for letting them use me to work so much. I enjoyed it but at the same time I have learned that I have to draw the line because no one else can do that for me. At the same time I would not have traded my time there for anything. I've been keeping myself busy since then. I've been working and catching up on my sleep. I am also proud to say that I have completed my support letter! All I have to do is raise my support and I can leave! I can't wait! I'm set to leave the 28th of May! I'll be in GA for two day's then I'll leave for Sofia, Bulgaria! I'll return after about three months! Below is my support letter that explains more of what I'll be doing!

So back to post Urbana depression. Does anyone want to hang out? I need social interaction. I know it will come. I feel like I'm standing on a ship approaching an island. I can see it through the fog at first then it starts to take shape. Until finally I can make out large buildings. then small building until I can see people coming and going to and fro. I am at that place where all I want is to be there but don't know how to make the ship I'm on go faster. I hold tight to what I have on the ship until I can reach the shore. I know that when I get there I will look back and laugh for my memory will only know it as a second in time.



This past summer I had the privilege of going to Bulgaria for a week with Missions to the World (MTW). While there I got to see what God was doing in his global mission. I am excited to announce that God has provided an opportunity for me to go to Sofia, Bulgaria in May to work with a church there. I am grateful to be able to participate in a three-month internship program with Mission to the World in Bulgaria.

Through my experiences on previous mission trips, I have gained a love for cross-cultural missions. I am very eager to spend three months living among the peoples of Bulgaria. In my time in Bulgaria I will primarily be working as a translator to American teams, assisting them in sharing about the good news of Jesus Christ. I will be in school for the first three weeks I’m in Bulgaria in order to learn Bulgarian but I will also be working with the youth of the church to disciple and mentor them. In addition, I will be working in the church to help the congregation in whatever ways I can, be it leading worship, or following up with people throughout the week. I’m excited to serve the body of Christ in Sofia in whatever ways I am needed.

I ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with me. I believe that the Lord has called me to serve him in this way, but I am not called to serve alone. MTW estimates that it will cost roughly $7,614 for me to travel to Sofia and minister there for three months. I need the financial support of the Church here at home in order to go and serve the Church in Sofia. I also am in need of your prayers to sustain me leading up to and my trip and while I am there. Even if you cannot commit to support me financially or in prayer, I would still like to keep you updated as to what the Lord is doing in my life and in the life of The First Church in Miladost (Mi lad’ost). If you do choose to support me, please simply tear off the form on the bottom of this page, and mail it to the address listed. All checks should be made payable to Mission to the World, and should include the number 014539 (my MTW account number) in the memo line of the check.

I am excited to have the opportunity to grow in my own understanding of God’s kingdom as I share the gospel with the people of Sofia. Please consider any way that you are able to contribute to this opportunity.

Yours in Christ,

James McGarry


William Sofield said...

So glad to hear this news about an extended trip to Bulgaria.

I'm glad to reconnect with you.

I'll certainly be following your blog. Don't have much time now, but things are going great. I thought you and the family were thinking of coming to see us in Miami sometime this season, no? I hope so.

Renee Badenoch said...

Hey, that's a good support letter. Writing support letters is really hard for me, because I want to tell people why I want to go, and how I want them to enter into the going with me, and I could just write and write forever, because there's so many reasons I feel compelled to go...
I'm sure you know how hard it is, because you just wrote one. A really good one.
Love much,